Monday, June 1, 2009

It's Summer!

Wow - so It is already June 1st! I honestly can't believe that. That means I have been here for over 130 days. WOW! It has flown by so fast, and after looking back, (even though I have gone through some dark times) I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Over the last month or so, I have been eating a little bit healthier and I have been exercising randomly. All this has been in an effort to become healthy and to lose some weight. Woohoo! I have lost over 20 pounds as of yesterday and I have a lot more to go. I talked to one of my friends who is a student and we are going to start going regularly every other day to work out. This is great! I am asking that you encourage me in this endeavor, because I have tried this before; and it failed miserably when laziness kicked back in.

Anyway I am doing well this week. I cooked Mexican food last night for some student friends and had a blast playing Rummy and hanging out. Man I miss Mexican food lol.

Well Hope this Blog finds you guys doing well!

I love you,


1 comment:

  1. awesome!! laziness is a tough habit to kick. congrats.
