Friday, January 30, 2009

White picket fence gospel

Recently I have been seeing more and more gap between Jesus' commands to His true church and the actual following through of these commands. I have seen how the gospel - "good news"- can be just good news, rather than being "GREAT, life changing, miraculous news."

So many christians have the mindset of what I like to call the "white picket fence gospel." This includes christians who feel that it is ok to use and abuse the Holy Spirit to get what they want, such as wealth, fame, and fortune. Though many conservative christians would agree with the previous statement, this picket fence gospel also includes those who consider missions to be a two week out of the year deal. People who consider living in a large home a blessing from the Most High God. People who feel that retirement is a time to relax and make their own version of heaven on earth without God. Being a christian is a lifestlye. When Christ said Go, He meant it LITERALLY! It's all for His glory that we present ourselves as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable before God. ( Romans 12:1 paraphrase) In all areas we are to show love. He sent out the twelve and told them to go as they were, and to leave their homes. Does this still apply today?

I'm tired of the mindset that it is ok to live in an expensive house, and that it is ok to have more than one car per person, and that it is ok to go out and buy the newest electronics or furniture on just spontaneous shopping spree while men, women, and children are suffering and dying daily. This white picket fence gospel is just wrong. Where does Jesus say, "you better live abundantly here on earth." Never once does christ say to store treasure here on earth. He always points towards the opposite. Store up treasures in heaven, and that abundant life He does talk about is a life filled with loving others and sharing Christ with them. If thats not abundant, then heaven is probably not the place for you. Though this is bold, I feel that if we cant have compassion on those God has compassion on, then whats the point? Father forgive me of this life. As the great hymn writer once said, "I once was blind, but now I see."

Why is it so hard for us to show love? We make it through life as though we are doing God a favor whenever we do show compassion to people, when God expects it out of us. Im guilty of not loving. I will be the first to admit that in the past I have been completely hateful, and I see where I have been wrong, but is it too late for the true church to change that? with God NOTHING is impossible. We have to give it up to the Spirit. Let the Spirit work through us. I love the scripture that says, "For from Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things; to Him be the glory forever amen." (Romans 11:36)

All I am saying is, lets step up to the plate and start living like Christ commands. Being a christian means having to sacrifice; even to the point of death at times.

Im glad I got that out. I can only say these things because God convicted me of them and showed me the error in which I had been living.


Other than that, (if you made it this far) things are great here in Thailand. Father is showing me a lot in His word and I am building friendships here with the other hands on teams.
By the power of the holy Spirit,

Sunday, January 25, 2009


If you havent heard by now, I made it to Thailand! I have been here for more than 3 days now and I am loving every minute of it! The other Hands On team members are hilarious. God has also been showing me a lot in my quite times and also He has showed me so much through other peoples walk. I am very excited to be here and I cant wait to see what God has next.

On the other side of things; the food is amazing, the temperature is awesome (87 degrees in January), and I am having a blast! A few of the guys, including myself, plan on getting a message tonight at "Friendly message" in town. Also the money is pretty awesome here. So all together, life is good here! I am just going with the flow and I will keep you all informed as much as possible!

P.S. - It is 12 hours ahead here, so when I am going to sleep, you are most likely waking up... so keep that in mind!

Love much

Andrew Tucker

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Last days in the USA

Hey guys,

I just wanted to thank you all for your prayers and support so far on the journey. I wanted to let each of you know that I will be leaving wednesday January 21st, around 9:45 AM from Atlanta. I will be traveling for over 20 hours. I ask that you pray for me and tommie and that you keep us in your thoughts as we prepare to arrive in Asia.

I also wanted to let you know how much I love you and am so glad to know each of you. I know that God has placed each of you in my life for a specific reason. I plan on keeping in touch with you through blogging, emails, and facebook. I will hopefully be able to tell you all the amazing things, and yes even the struggles, that I will experience in HK.

Thanks again for the prayers and keep in touch!

Much love,

Andrew Tucker