Thursday, April 16, 2009

Jesus Wept

Luke 19:41-42

As He (Jesus) approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, " If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace - but now it is hidden from your eyes."

I listened to a sermon today about the triumphal entry. Though Easter is over, I have been focusing on this event more and more as time has gone on. As Scott (FBC Vidalia) spoke about this triumphal entry, I began to see more and more the heart of Jesus. I am blown away by this passage. It is the second of only two instances where it is recorded that Jesus wept. The first is in John 10 & 11 in which Jesus weeps over the death of his friend Lazarus.

Imagine these scenes. Jesus becoming overwhelmed by emotion. Our Saviour overcome by sorrow. The one who brings peace, torn apart by sadness. The Christ, eyes filled with tears, crying because of us.

When I read these passages in John and Luke, I began to become a little overwhelmed myself. Jesus crying. Jesus weeping. Why? What for? Why is he crying? That's the beauty of it all. Christ was weeping because of his love for people; which includes you and me. We see that when Lazarus died, Jesus felt true compassion for him. He wasn't just some emotionless person. He was filled with emotion. I can't even begin to express the awesome power behind these verses. To see Jesus break down and cry when he looks at Jerusalem. He knew what had to happen. He knew he had to become the embodiment of sin for us. He knew all along. Yet, he never backed down. He never turned from us like we turn from him. He never said, "I changed my mind." He was faithful to the point of death.

Philippians 2:5-8

Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in the very nature of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness and being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross!

Christ's love for us knows no bounds. It never ceases. It never goes away. I see this now because of the smallest scripture. I believe that the smallest amount of words can speak louder than any sermon. "Jesus Wept." Do you see it? Do you see the emotion behind these words. Jesus wept, because He felt compassion. It's because He loves you. He became the embodiment of sin itself so that we could have a restored relationship with God. How can you tell me that's not love. Think about it. Jesus wept, yet he knew that we didn't deserve salvation. We don't deserve his love. Yet, he still wept. He had so much emotion for us that he carried the cross and set us free. I could go on and on about this, but I will leave it with the smallest of words. "Jesus Wept" - John 10:35


It's been a while...

So I am so sorry that I haven't been faithful to keeping you guys up to date on my blog. So I have decided to write up two blogs today. One is just filling you in on my day to day life, and the other will focus on my spiritual journey. Though the two can't really be separated, I am going to share as much with you as I can without boring you to tears.

Ok so, Lately I have been having less and less "student hang out time." It has been a while since people have really been able to hang out. They always have "something" to do. However, the times we do spend together are every special and I enjoy getting to hang out with them. We even talked to one of the students about creation and evolution. Though in the end, we agreed to disagree, the conversation got him thinking, and it also reminded me of how awesome Father is.

I have been studying more and more Korean lately, considering it is super easy compared to Cantonese! Seriously... 9 tones! Crazy! Anyway I am currently praying about a few things that are coming up in the next few weeks and months. In May, me and tommie are going to Beijing to see the Great Wall and to meet up with some friends of ours. It should be very exciting and I will make sure I take lots pf pictures with my broken camera. by the way, my camera broke. The screen cracked, but it still works. I just cant see the pics until after I upload them on my computer.

The other things I am facing are starting a small group over the summer for locals and mainland students who stay in town. This group would reach out to the "unchurched". Though this phrase is often overlooked, I feel like there is a desire to learn and grow, and I am seeking after Father on how to even go about starting something. Finally I am praying, along with my partner in crime, about writing / co-authoring a book all about the church and grace, and redemption. There are so many ideas going on right now. We are both seeking after Him and hoping just to konw what He wants. I just ask that You be faithful and pary for me and tommie.



Andrew Michael Tucker